Job Search Tips – How to Get the Job You Want

There are plenty of things you can do to increase your chances of landing a fantastic job. From ensuring that your resume and LinkedIn profile is properly optimized to connecting with the right people, there’s no shortage of things to consider as you seek the perfect job.

A properly designed resume and LinkedIn will help hiring managers to identify your qualifications. It is important to tailor every application to the position, highlighting skills, achievements and experiences that meet requirements. This is especially true of your cover letter, since it’s an effective instrument to prove that you’re the most suitable candidate for a role.

Technology has made the application process much faster than ever before but it’s uncommon for employers to receive hundreds of applications for a single job. This is why it’s crucial to ensure your resume and application are free of any errors before you hit the submit button. If you’re unsure of your writing abilities, you can ask someone else to look over your documents.

Finally, be sure your application is for jobs you’re qualified for and truly interested in. Don’t take the shotgun approach of applying for any job that’s out there, as chances are you’ll be missed. Try to apply for 5-10 jobs a day, five times per week.

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