How to Run a Successful Remote Board Meeting

The remote board meeting is an important element of a nonprofit’s decision-making process. It allows for more extensive discussion of the strategic moves the organization is likely to make in the short and longer term. Members can also address any concerns they may have. It can be difficult to conduct a successful board meeting if you’re not in the same room as your colleagues.

It’s possible for attendees to lose focus during virtual meetings, especially when they’re glued to their tablet or laptop screens rather than talking face-to-face with the other members of the board. In addition, it’s sometimes difficult to convey nonverbal signals in a digital environment which can result in misunderstandings and inconsistencies in decision-making.

You can ease the issue by sending reminders with the call details and the agenda. You can also encourage attendees to run a technical check prior to the meeting, to ensure they are able to speak, hear, and see clearly. It’s also possible to provide the attendees a step-bystep video that will assist attendees in understanding the meeting system’s hardware and software settings.

Another approach is to keep your meetings as brief as you can, especially when you’re using a virtual platform to limit the possibility of « zoom fatigue » setting in. This will allow your participants to stay engaged and give them more time to focus on their work, rather than worrying about how much they have left to do prior to the next meeting.

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